Apports de l’ergonomie de l’activité à l’innovation sociale
Ce livre décrit le développement de l’innovation sociale dans le social et la santé : sans-abrisme, soins palliatifs, insertion socio-professionnelle, psychiatrie, protection de l'enfance -
Effects of metronome walking on long-term attractor divergence and correlation structure of gait: a validation study in older people
This study investigates the effects of metronome walking on gait dynamics in older adults, focusing on long-range correlation structures and long-range attractor divergence.
Factors associated with health professionals’ stress reactions, job satisfaction, intention to leave and health-related outcomes in acute care, rehabilitation and psychiatric hospitals, nursing homes and home care organisations
The incompatibility of health professionals’ work and private life is significantly associated with their stress reactions, job satisfaction, intention to leave, and health-related outcome -
Head-mounted eye tracker videos and raw data collected during breathing recognition attempts in simulated cardiac arrest
This paper presents data collected by Pedrotti et al. (2022, 2024), which includes videos captured using a Dikablis head-mounted eye tracker, along with the corresponding raw data
Intermed: un modèle de soutien infirmier intégré en médecine de premier recours
Intermed, modèle de soins intégrant une infirmière de soutien en soins de premier recours (ISP), a été expérimenté de 2014 à 2021 dans un centre de médecine générale à La Chaux-de-Fonds -
Optimisation de la gestion des déchets liés aux dispositifs médicaux : étude exploratoire dans un hôpital universitaire suisse
Le secteur hospitalier génère annuellement une importante quantité de déchets. L’objectif de cette contribution est de comprendre la gestion des déchets et de proposer des pistes d'amélioration.
Protecting oneself while supporting the organisation: A longitudinal exploratory study of healthcare workers’ coping strategies and organisational resilience processes in the first year of the COVID-19 pandemic
The COVID-19 pandemic has been a major source of stress for health professionals and health institutions. -
Reducing work-related stress among health professionals by using a training-based intervention programme for leaders in a cluster randomised controlled trial
Leaders’ awareness, commitment and readiness is essential to implement effective strategies reducing work-related stress
Replication Study of “Visual Fixation on the Thorax Predicts Bystander Breathing Detection in Simulated Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest”
Educating lay responders on how to look for chest movement enhances breathing detection performance -
Smartphone Apps for Parents of Preterm Infants from NICU to Home: a Quality, Evidence-based Content and Data Protection Assessment
Over one in ten babies are born preterm annually, presenting challenges beyond the neonatology intensive care unit (NICU), including depression and post-traumatic stress for parents
Violence towards formal and informal caregivers and its consequences in the home care setting: A systematic mixed studies review
In home care settings, formal caregivers are exposed to types of workplace violence, such as sexual aggression, car theft, and intimidation by gangs -
Coping et stratégies de résilience organisationnelle pendant la Covid-19 : effets sur la santé et la performance du personnel soignant
La pandémie a eu de lourdes répercussions dans les institutions sanitaires, autant sur le plan psychologique que sur la performance
Durabilité dans la formation
Dans son agenda 2023, l’Environmental Physiotherapy Association demande l’intégration de la durabilité dans la formation des étudiant-e-s -
Inhaled drug delivery: a randomized study in intubated patients with healthy lungs
This study aimed to compare in vivo and in vitro the deposition of a radiolabeled aerosol generated through four configurations during invasive ventilation, including setups optimizing drug delivery.
La confiance, une notion complexe au fondement des soins
La confiance s’exprime comme une réponse à la promesse d’un corps professionnel. Si les clauses de ce contrat tacite ne sont pas respectées, le patient a alors un sentiment de trahison -
Perceptions of healthcare professional about the “PACE Steps to Success” palliative care program for long-term care: A qualitative study in Switzerland
This study aimed to examine the healthcare professionals' perceptions after implementing the “PACE Steps to Success” program in the French-speaking part of Switzerland.
Raw eye tracking data of healthy adults reading aloud words, pseudowords and numerals
This paper describes data from de Chambrier et al. (2023). The dataset contains raw eye tracking data of 36 healthy adults, collected using an EyeLink 1000 (SR Research Ltd., ON, Canada) -
Reading numbers is harder than reading words: An eye-tracking study
We make up to 7 times more fixations when reading numerals with respect to words. Fixation duration increases from 250 to 300 ms reading long numerals versus words.
Restoring walking ability in older adults with arm-in-arm gait training: study protocol for the AAGaTT randomized controlled trial
Falls are a significant problem among older adults. While balance and functional exercises have been shown to be effective, it remains unclear whether regular walking reduces fall risk -
Vulnérabilité et résilience en formation infirmière
Si les étudiants infirmiers ne sont pas tous intrinsèquement vulnérables, les conditions de leur apprentissage, en stage notamment, sont parfois délétères pour leur santé.