Business Management

Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration

Academic and practice-oriented, this generalist training course contributes to the development of specific and transversal knowledge and skills, applicable in any professional commercial and administrative context.

The course

This is a comprehensive, professionally-oriented course in business management, aimed at the local economy, however with a national and international focus.


The curriculum of the Bachelor’s Degree of Science in Business Administration covers all the classic areas of business management in five main areas:

  • Management & Human Resources
  • Finance and Accounting
  • Marketing & Communication
  • Quantitative and Qualitative Methods
  • Business Environment

The main options (Marketing and Communication, Finance, Supply Chain Management or Human Resources), the secondary options and the Bachelor’s thesis allow you to specialise your knowledge according to your interests.

(c) Quentin Bacchus

The following specialities distinguish the Bachelor’s Degree of Business Administration HEG Arc from the other HEGs/Universities of Applied Sciences in the French-speaking part of Switzerland.

  • Compulsory courses in two languages: English and German or Russian
  • Free optional courses for the preparation of recognised language certificates: Russian exam (TRKI); The Cambridge First Certificate (FCE) and The Cambridge Advanced Certificate (CAE).

Thanks to the main option in Supply Chain Management, which focuses on local industry.

The language of instruction is French.

Detailed information concerning the course organisation is available on the French version of the website.

Title issued

An HES-SO Bachelor’s Degree of Science in Business Administration (BSc)

Study duration and organisation

Two study paths are proposed:

Duration: three years

Teaching venues: Neuchâtel and/or Delémont

Duration: four years (in parallel with a professional activity in the commercial field of a minimum of 50%)

Teaching venues: Neuchâtel and/or Delémont

The language of instruction is French.

Detailed information concerning the course organisation is available on the French version of the website.

Study fees

The annual registration and tuition fees are identical for all universities of management in the French-speaking part of Switzerland:

  • A one-off registration fee of CHF 150 is charged
  • The tuition fee is CHF 500 per semester, excluding course materials.


The main entry route is the Swiss Vocational Diploma in Economics and Services.

Other access routes are possible, please contact administration for further details.

Due to the courses being taught in French, a good level of language skills is required. Detailed admission requirements are available on the French version of the website.


Our graduates work in the following sectors, among others:

  • Watchmaking, Jewellery, Perfumery
  • Machine Tools, Microtechnology
  • Other industrial sectors
  • Public Sector and Health
  • Financial and Real Estate sector
  • Public Sector and Health
  • Training and Education, Communication and IT

Protected and recognised by the Swiss Confederation, the title of a Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration opens access to the world of work, as well as to the pursuit of a Master’s Degree or post-graduate studies in Switzerland and abroad.


Secretary – full-time
Neuchâtel site
Christiane Jansen
+41 32 930 20 35
Secretary – in employment
Neuchâtel site
Chantal Tomasoni
+41 32 930 20 34
Delémont site
Sandra Boegli
+41 32 930 17 01


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