The Haute Ecole Arc allows teachers to practice their profession in a partner university in Switzerland or abroad and also to host a colleague to teach.
Several types of projects are possible: teaching for a few hours or for longer periods, setting up joint courses, colloquia, summer schools, etc.
Assistance is also available for setting up larger-scale projects with the aim of obtaining external funding.
This type of action can, for example, lead to training courses leading to a double or triple diploma or to a permanent and cyclical collaboration between two fields of study.
Examples of projects:
What skills are needed for cross-border industry in the digital age?
The Arc School of Management, the University of Neuchâtel and the Belfort-Montbéliard University of Technology organised a day on this theme. Undergraduates and postgraduates students were able to take advantage of testimonies from industrialists, reflective and creative workshops, as well as, situational visits in the French border region.
Cross-border nursing days
The Pontarlier Nursing School and the HE-Arc Health domain have proposed two colloquia to compare practices on both sides of the border.
Tri-national training in embedded computer systems
This orientation is followed in France, Germany and Switzerland. It leads to four qualifications: a university diploma and a professional licence (France), a Bachelor’s Degree in Engineering (Germany) and a Bachelor’s Degree in Embedded Systems from the Haute Ecole Arc Ingénierie (Switzerland).