
Mobility and International Relations

The Haute Ecole Arc is a globally connected university. It is developing exciting partnerships with numerous international academic institutions around the world. The mobility of teachers and students is strongly encouraged through training projects (Bachelor’s and Master’s Degrees) and Applied Research and Development projects.

HE‐Arc mobility partnerships:

Students’ experiences of mobility

Support for mobility

The Haute Ecole Arc offers comprehensive support to candidates for mobility:

The Haute Ecole Arc offers accommodation in partnership with Alfen at subsidised rates (approx. 400 CHF / month) to students on mobility programmes, subject to availability.

To apply for this type of accommodation, please specify your needs on the application form.

You can also carry out your own accommodation search.

Switzerland is now considered a third country in the framework of Erasmus. The Confederation offers, through the SEMP programme, scholarships similar to those used in the Erasmus + programme. The scholarships are detailed in this table.

In addition, complementary scholarships to the “classical” funding systems are being developed.

Depending on the case, additional support is granted (Swiss health insurance, transport, assistance, etc.).
The Mobility Office will be happy to provide details of the assistance available.

Grants from the Communauté du savoir

The Communauté du savoir offers internship grants ranging from CHF 550 to CHF 2’200 for students attached to the institutions in the swiss-french Jura Arc (SUPMICROTECH-ENSMM, Université de Franche-Comté, UTBM, HEIG-VD, UniNE, HEP-Bejune et Haute Ecole Arc).

Applications are possible all year round.

Information and regulations: https://www.communautedusavoir.org/dispositifs-financiers/campus/

Contact: info@communautedusavoir.o

The Haute Ecole Arc offers its mobility students the opportunity to take part in an integration course lasting ten days before the start of the academic year in partnership with the International Exchange Erasmus Student Network. This is an opportunity to discover the region and its main institutions through a programme of visits, outings and culinary and student festivities, as well as, making contact with other students.
Our partnership with the University of Neuchâtel (UniNE) also allows students to benefit from French language courses during immersion courses during the academic year. The mobility office is at your disposal for further information.

Sustainability without borders

Throughout their stay, mobility students have the opportunity to participate in special events, organised by the HE-Arc and Erasmus Student Network (ESN) teams in Neuchâtel. Sports activities, visits to cities or museums, hikes and weekends around Switzerland are among the services available to our mobile student community. It also benefits from special events on the HE-Arc campuses, for example, meetings with the mobility delegates are organised and an end-of-semester aperitif is held to share experience. The community of mobility students also lives online via social networks. A WhatsApp group is set up during the integration week and the students’ journey is illustrated on the HE-Arc Instagram and Facebook pages.

Strategic partners

The Haute Ecole Arc is co-president of the Communauté du savoir until 2024. This network originally brought together seven French and Swiss higher education and/or research institutions. Its aim is to promote and support Franco-Swiss cooperation in research, innovation and training in the Franco-Swiss Jura Arc region. By pursuing its objectives, the Knowledge Community contributes to strengthening the attractiveness and competitiveness of the French-Swiss Jura Arc. It contributes to the dissemination of innovations to the socio-economic fabric of this territory.

Cléa Bene
Administrative Assistant Mobility
+ 41 32 930 11 51