Created in October 2023, the SEIM’s aim is to foster knowledge about the Eurasian socio-economic area that is relevant to science, Swiss companies and governments, as well as students in the ‘Business in Eurasia’ Master’s programme.
To this end, the SEIM develops and maintains relations with universities in the Eurasian region, in Azerbaijan, South Korea and Kazakhstan. It also aims to promote the academic mobility of teachers and students, to develop joint research projects and to (co-)organise summer academies in Switzerland and in Eurasian countries.
Fields of research
The various fields of research focus mainly on socio-economy, organisation and management as well as policy , with a focus on Eurasian countries and Switzerland.
Regional and urban development
This field focuses on the ways territories develop beyond the paradigm of competitiveness through production, to address the issues of people’s mobility through the residential, presential and experiential economy.
Production of the built environment and property markets
This field addresses the role of real estate and, more broadly, the built environment, which have become very important sectors for contemporary economies, by placing it within regional economic specialisations (industrial, tourist, residential or metropolitan) as well within the financial circuits of real estate development.
The financialisation of the economy and society
The financialisation process of contemporary economies raises questions not only about how market finance guides and/or constrains the development of territories, but also about how social reproduction models (retirement, health and education) are designed.
Climate transition and sustainability
Sustainable development and transition are addressed by the territories: we precisely look into local players’ ability to innovate and implement more sustainable economic, social, and environmental actions.
Intercultural learning
We focus on how managers can facilitate learning across borders, develop relationships with stakeholders between home and host markets, ensure effective communication and coordination between head office and subsidiaries, and lead multicultural teams.
Change and organisational development
Change is constant in the connected world in which we live. We focus on developing organisational and managerial capabilities to successfully navigate change and uncertainty. We look at the challenges that companies and their managers face and how they can overcome these challenges.
Partnerships for sustainability
Companies can tackle some of the biggest challenges by working with other organisations. We look at how partners contribute to sustainability with partnerships, how they work together to develop and promote new technologies, practices and models.
Higher education, research, and innovation policies
As these policies have a major impact on the knowledge economy and society, they are analysed at both state and organisational levels (universities, innovation parks, companies, etc
Public management
The performance of public administrations is decisive in terms of their ability to develop and implement public policies, with regard to the economy and other related areas. Emphasis is placed on quality management and resilience within public organisations.
Strategies for sustainable local economic development
Local players are of major importance in a country’s economic development. Emphasis is placed on strategic aspects relating to sustainability.
Master of Science in Business Administration (MSc BA), Major in Business in Eurasia
The members of the SEIM are all heavily involved in the organisation and teaching of the Master of Science in Business Administration (MSc BA), Major in « Business in Eurasia ». This specialisation equips students with the specific knowledge and skills needed to export, set up and develop Swiss companies in Eurasia.
Projects and mandates
Research project financed by the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) (100017_192829) : The changing role of real estate in Swiss urban development: evidence and theoretical reframing (07.2021-06.2025).
Research project financed by the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) (10001A_189196(06.2020-06.2024): Uses of cultural heritage at the Beijing Winter Olympic Games of 2022, with Dr. Florence Graezer-Bideau, College of Humanities, EPFL.
The SEIM offers a series of “Doing Business in ”…” events, each focusing on one of the Eurasian countries. The next event will be dedicated to South Korea and will take place in autumn 2024.
In October 2023, a public conference organised in partnership with the French-speaking section of the Switzerland-China association, and presented by Thierry Theurillat, focused on “The role of land and property in the growth of Chinese cities”.
Research team
No events are planned in the near future.