
Data Analytics

IT systems are flooded with large volumes of textual and numeric data from the internet or from various technological devices. We develop and deploy innovative and intelligent solutions that address the issues of storage, analysis, prediction and exploitation of this data.


In the current context of digital transformation, our expertise is focused on the development of applied artificial intelligence algorithms that solve concrete industrial and societal problems.

Model and solve concrete and complex problems with Machine Learning and optimal solution search techniques, applying recent metaheuristic search algorithms and neural networks.

The solutions developed are deployed and operated in real environments and conditions.

Discovering and extracting knowledge from non-structured textual data extracted from the web or from digital documents, applying recent techniques of supervised and unsupervised classification and linguistic models.

Use data mining techniques to discover, monitor and improve process flows through the analysis of historical data accessible in event logging systems.

Improve the efficiency of data processing in areas where latency is critical, such as in security (fire, surveillance) or medical diagnosis. Deploy GPGPU optimization and Machine Learning solutions for fixed or mobile infrastructures.



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Group Leader:
Dr Hatem Ghorbel
032 930 22 06